Monday, 5 May 2014

Garden Wildlife

Apologies for the quality of this photograph, but I did not take it!  This is the second time this week that this beautiful creature has been seen in daylight in our back garden.  This morning it lay in the sun enjoying the warmth, washed itself, stretched, went near the garage and dug something up which it then ate, then sauntered off further up the stream.

We have also been having problems with our cat Sox this week. He has become intent on catching a wood mouse that is living under the bird feeders at the front.  I have seen it at close quarters a couple of times as it peeped out from under a paving slab.  Sox has managed to kill three up to now and is determined that he is going to get this latest one.

Lots of blackbirds in the garden front and back too, plus a little wren who regularly visits the flowerpots on the step outside the french door in the kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Your Dell is obviously a greenway for wildlife ! Lucky you - I just get the leavings (in every sense) of next door's cats !
