Friday, 20 April 2018

Where does the time go to?

I have been rather lax lately and have had no new photographs to put on my blog, but I have been busy working on the larger triangle quilt and cycling a bit more now that the weather has improved. 

Started the Women on Wheels 'Training Sessions' on a Wednesday evening and have participated in two up to now. I am always in the slower group and not far from being last.  I had to give up after 3 4-mile laps this week.  The others all did an extra lap, but my actual average speed was not too bad, it was the hill that got me and I kept getting left behind.  I will try again next week and then decide whether I should just give up. Everyone assures me that you actually improve each week? The highlight is a drink in a local pub after each session, which is a nice change from coffee and cake which we have on the organised rides during the daytime.

Thank goodness I am back to solo printing next week. I have never had so many weeks off before between terms. I always mean to do lots of preparation for the next session and I never do so there will be a last minute panic next week when I try to decide what I am going to do for the three hours.

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