Tuesday, 20 December 2016

A Little Bit of Sunshine

Look what I spotted near the birdfeeders in the front garden earlier this week. First of all I noticed just one or two flowers, but now lots more have opened out.  Yesterday I also noticed that several daffodils are poking their leaves through the soil under the hedge and there are even some coming through in one of my plantpots.

This fine chappie (Melchizedek) features in the south window in St Martin's church near to the Bullring in Birmingham - thought he was very Christmas looking. I understand the window was designed by Sir Edward Burne Jones and produced by the William Morris company.

1 comment:

  1. what a lovely burst of colour from your winter jasmine - the only colour in my garden is a planting of white viola in a pot which will hopefully sprout forth tulips in a month or three and the about to burst open panicles of mahonia. It's a strange thing yellow - I can't wait for its promise of spring but come May, it hurts my eyes and I avoid it for the rest of the year (apart from fields of buttercups of course) and never plant yellow Summer and Autumn flowers.
