Sunday 1 December 2013

Worcester TJ Part 3


Resolved piece (loved this)

March Artwork - must have a go at this

March resolved piece
This piece folded out of the sketchbook

May inspiration pg 2

May inspiration pg3

Resolved piece for May based on a tile design by Peggy Angus for Carters Tiles.
The entry for May was amazing and was so relevant after being to Compton Verney as they have a collection of Enid Marx' work and Folk Art Collection.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, love your blog, I like your book and embroidery combinations. We have common interests in embroidery (tho I haven't done so much recently) and book binding, and I used to live up in the Vale of Evesham, so it's a bit nostalgic seeing you visiting places in the midlands!
