Saturday, 24 November 2018

Still on a 'Pear' Theme

The original collagraph plate was created using bits of wallpaper pasted to the mountboard base, with skim and repair being added to parts of the background surface afterwards followed by waterproof PVA to lighten areas. Whilst I liked the image it was not really what I wanted to achieve so this past week it was back to the drawing board and I remade a couple of my printing plates.

This is one of the new plates and now the pears have been formed by using masking tape on selected areas with a thin layer of skim and repair being added over the image.  Oiled wallpaper was then pressed into this whilst it was wet to create the texture. The background is waterproof PVA built up in layers to provide texture and light areas.  A small amount of carborudum was used to add contrast in the darker parts as well as cutting into the surface of the mountboard. Shame I had forgotten what colour oil based ink I used on the first plate.  I think it was Prussian Blue and Raw Sienna whilst I changed to Prussian Blue and Red Oxide on the second plate.

Mainly Prussian Blue
Next week I am going to try viscosity printing and could also look at the addition of chine collee to the surface.

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