Tuesday, 15 November 2016

A Sticky Weekend

If anyone needs their spirits lifting I can highly recommend a weekend workshop with Sue Brown at The Yard Art Space in Cheltenham.  Last weekend I went to her Gum Arabic Transfer two day workshop and had such a wonderful time.  Not only did I learn new techniques but also spent time with some lovely and very talented people.

I managed to complete two small booklets, printed onto various types of fabric and also completed several pages in the two A5 sketchbooks I had taken with me. A massive achievement for me.

Above and below are some of the work created by other people on the course. The paper threads on the booklet below were the left over pieces trimmed to make the pages square.  They were so beautiful it was such a shame to put them in the bin.

These are two samples of fabric using the Gum Arabic transfer printing technique. The one on the left was transferred using the back of a wooden spoon and the right hand one went through the etching press.
Two more pieces of fabric using gold and then silver oil based printing ink and photographs of wild garlic flowers that had been manipulated in Photoshop to make them into black and white images.

A two page spread from one of my small booklets.  The bees were added using the Gum Arabic Transfer technique and the coloured picture was a piece of magazine placed face down onto wet white acrylic paint and then left to dry before damping the back and removing the paper by rubbing it with my finger. A bit of bleach discharge too, plus indian drawing ink and quink ink washes.

This A5 concertina sketchbook was very useful and kept me occupied whilst waiting for work to dry.