Monday 6 February 2012

Snow Fun in Malvern

View from British Camp Sunday morning
DH decided it would be a good idea if Janette came to stay on Saturday evening seen as how we both have our birthday on the same day this week plus J was feeling a bit fed up.  She drove up on Saturday and arrived just as it started to snow.  We had tea and cake and played scrabble (or as we have renamed it 'squabble') until early evening.  She then decided she ought to go to her hotel in Colwall - where we were also going to be dining.  By this time the snow had laid quite well.  You can guess what happened.  She got stuck on the Wych and had to abandon her car and walk several miles to Colwall.  We tried to rescue her but could get no further than where she had abandoned her car.  DH ended up having leftover chilli for dinner and I had poached eggs!!
View from British Camp back towards Worcester Beacon
It decided to rain overnight so we were able to go and pick up her car on Sunday morning and then had a walk along British Camp.  There was quite a lot of snow up there but the views were spectacular.  There was lots of rolling fog around and you could see hills, church spires and other landmarks sticking through the rolling mist.  We then had Sunday Lunch to make up for missing dinner the previous evening, which was most enjoyable.  DH and I had to return home to the joy of moving furniture around ready for the plastering to start on Monday of this week.  J had a slow drive back South.

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