Perhaps not the correct use of 'eyes' but not to worry. I had to go for an eye test yesterday so made the most of my visit to Worcester by popping into The Hive to see the exhibition of illustrations which are part of the International Lemniscaat Illustration Competition. It was worth the visit and I also took one or two photographs outside the building.
Had to try to tilt this picture to make any sense of it. The gardeners had been strimming the surface of the raised areas in the lawns and they were looking better than usual with a more distinct outline.
This is The Hive which houses the library amongst other things. I am not very taken with the outside of it, but everyone to their own taste.
An inspirational view with perhaps some design potential.
After playing in Photoshop with it and adding a filter.
The raised walkway also has potential as a design source, particularly after our use of horizontal and vertical lines with Ruth Issett and Bobby Britnell.
After adding a patchwork filter to it in Photoshop
More playing in Photoshop. You can see why nothing ever gets done. I spend far too much time messing around when I should be working.