Saturday 8 August 2015

Another Grand Day Out!!

Door into (or out of) The Secret Garden
Today we went to Croft Castle, near Leominster and what a wonderful place it was.  There were lots of lovely gates and doorways ....

There was a tremendous walled garden behind which was this very old greenhouse

I seem to have developed a fascination with strange door handles and locks

Greenhouse door handle
Potting Shed Door Handle

Walled Garden

Secret Garden
In the grounds there are lots of very, very, ancient trees and these can be enjoyed by taking one of the waymarked walks.  The house contained an original painting of Elizabeth I which was truly impressive and an Elizabethan stumpwork box worked by two of the Croft sisters which was also amazing.  Will certainly go again, but hopefully with someone who enjoys walking so that I can explore some of the many walks that are available.

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