Tuesday 22 October 2013

Autumn Colours

There are two Amelankiers in our garden one at the front and one at the back, although the one at the back has been damaged by a bonfire at some time in its not too distant past.  Both of them have changed colour this last week and look splendid when the sun shines on them (?) - what sun you might say.  Do not think the leaves will last for much longer as the wet and windy weather is blowing them off.

We also have a huge crop of apples which I am assuming are either crab or cider apples.  I tasted one today to see if it was edible and it was so sour  ...
Last year the Redstarts ate them when the weather got cold, but there is rather a lot on the ground already.  The squirrel has been busy burying the acorns and I have heard either a redstart or fieldfare about.  Earlier in the week we had two herons landed in the trees just up the stream.  They are beautiful to look at but I do not really want them coming and catching all the trout in the stream.  There seems to be a lot of young trout this year and it would be a shame if they were eaten.

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