Sunday 9 February 2014

Colesbourne Snowdrops

Had a lovely day on Saturday with a friend and her husband from Yorkshire whom we met for lunch at Colesbourne and then sauntered around the gardens to see the amazing snowdrops.  We managed to avoid most of the rain, but it was very chilly.  We both purchased some new snowdrops for our gardens and, of course, we both wanted to have the ones that cost £20.00 each but managed to restrain ourselves.

The gardens are a delight with all the snowdrops clearly labelled so that you know which ones are your favourites.  There were also crocus, cyclamen and winter aconites in abundance.

The little church had this charming alter frontal.  By this time we had lost the DH's who were deep in conversation (and probably bored).

Just before we went off to the tea shop, passing the stall selling snowdrops on the way, we wandered down the drive a littleway to get a better view of the raging waters tumbling out of the blue lake.

1 comment:

  1. It was a lovely day in a lovely garden - can't wait to acquire a stone trough to plant up my acquisitions !
